Deploying a Simple PHP ‘Hello World!’ app using Codeanywhere

Codeanywhere is a platform-as-a-service provider for web development. It enables you to edit, collaborate and run your projects on any device.

Step 1

To start with Codeanywhere, Register an account or Login if you are already registered and then go to the Editor!



Step 2

Here, you’ll see how to work with Containers! Basically, containers run in the background of Codeanywhere and act as Virtual Private Servers, each individually having its own RAM, Disk space, etc. Containers gives the ability to provide any Development Environment as per our need.

1. To start a new Container, go to File -> New Connections -> Container.



2. Now, you can select which predefined stack you want to use. In this tutorial, we’ll create a simple PHP container. You can also select OS to used – Ubuntu or CentOS.



Wait for a few seconds until your Container is deployed, and you can start coding right away.



Step 3

Right click on your Container, choose to Create a File, named as “index.php”.



Step 4

Go to file and enter some code.



Step 5

Save it (Ctrl + S), and then, Right click on app and select “Run” button.



That’s it and you’ll be able to preview your “Hello World” app!


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